Funding & Reimbursement Shorts: Original Pack Dispensing

As part of our Funding & Reimbursement Shorts series, Community Pharmacy England’s in-house Drug Tariff and funding experts have created a new video providing guidance on Original Pack Dispensing (OPD) including how and when to apply the new +/-10% rules.  

In this video, Gemma Hackett and Alisha Khatri from our Dispensing and Supply Team, discuss the topic of OPD, covering: 

  • What OPD +/- 10% is and why it was introduced; 
  • When and how to use OPD +/- 10%, including which types of products it will relate to; 
  • How reimbursement rules will be applied including examples; and 
  • How IT/PMR functionality supports OPD 

Watch the Original Pack Dispensing (OPD) video here: 

Further information and resources: 

See Community Pharmacy England’s Original Pack Dispensing page for more information including regulatory changes and IT systems functionality.